Tell NC Lawmakers to keep Medicaid Expansion in the NC Budget
The COVID-19 Pandemic exposed many issues facing our system, including that North Carolina: is one of just 12 states that has not expanded Medicaid. An expansion to the program would help alleviate business expenses, boost economic development, and improve workplace conditions all at very little cost.
The expansion would cover more than 600,000 additional North Carolinians under Medicaid, with 90% of the costs covered by the federal government, plus an additional $1.7 billion dollars in Federal incentives through the American Rescue Plan over two years. 55% of small businesses that provide coverage say that it has hindered business growth, and 33% say that they have considered dropping it due to high costs.
The pandemic revealed millions of people who covered up their COVID exposure to avoid high health care expenses and lost wages, putting other employees and customers at risk. Medicaid expansion would provide healthcare coverage to many service workers who fall in the “Healthcare Gap,” alleviating the concerns of high medical expenses and preventing controllable spread of COVID and other viruses by service workers.
The expansion would improve the workplace and the economy, and with expansion almost fully paid for federally, the program would more than pay for itself. Lawmakers need to include Healthcare expansion to help our small businesses reduce expenses and build a resilient workforce.
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Tell U.S. Senators to Pass Healthcare Expansion Legislation
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Tell U.S. Senators to Pass Healthcare Expansion Legislation
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